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Town Council Public Hearing Minutes 11/3/2014

November 3, 2014
8:00 p.m.

South Windsor Town Council

PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on the appropriation of $281,650.00 of LoCIP Funding for improvements to the Town Hall Annex for an EOC/Business Center in the Town of South Windsor

Mayor Anwar called the Public Hearing to order at 8:00 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately thirty (30) people present in the audience.

Mr. Galligan explained that an Emergency Operations Center is not an item that has just came up in the last two years.  When Marianne Lassman Fisher was Mayor, it was determined that the Community Center was not an adequate shelter.  A change that occurred was that the Town put fuel cells at the High School in order to use the High School for a shelter if necessary.  The Town went through a disaster where the power was out for two weeks.  Based on past experiences, it has been determined that an EOC is necessary.  The residents voted down a referendum to have an EOC at the Police Department.  Personnel from the Police Department, Fire Department, CRCOG and outside professionals reviewed the Old Post Office to be used as an EOC.  The Lawrence Group determined that the building should be prepared for a Category 3 disaster which would cost approximately $1.7 million dollars.  The Town received a grant in the amount of $500,000 to go towards improvements to the Old Post Office for the purpose of an EOC/business Incubator.  STEAP grants can be used for public safety, as shown in attached, Exhibit A.  Guildelines for LoCIP funds have been handed out to the Council, Exhibit B.  School projects are unable to use LoCIP funds but the EOC is eligible.  Mr. Galligan stated that matching funds could also be used for this project.  Mr. Galligan stated that the safety of the community is a basic premise of government and hopes that the Council will support this project.


Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came forward and questioned what the total cost of this project and the budget for the operation of the building after renovations are complete and people are housed there.  There is space available at the new Fire Station and Mr. Gonsalves feels that is where the EOC should be located.

Mr. Bob Hornish, came forward and explained that through his past experience he feels the Town should go slow and not jump on this because it sounds good at the moment.  It would be nice to have a an area to train for different disasters but the decision to convert the building over to an EOC/Business Incubator needs to be thought through carefully.

Art Jennings, 35 Shag Bark Road complimented the Council and the Town Manager on their work for an EOC.  Mr. Jennings stated he supports this project and feels it is a good idea.

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive stated that he feels the business incubator is an inappropriate use of Town funds because it really is an ineffective way to promote economic development.  The Town does not know how to run a business incubator.  The idea of the EOC has not been well enough vetted.  Mr. Riley questioned why the Town is not using the 4,500 square feet that is over at the new fire station.  If changes are necessary the $500,000 grant that the Town has received could be used to do what is necessary to provide an EOC there.  

Appropriation of $281,650.00 of LoCIP funding  for improvements to the Town Hall Annex
November 3, 2014
Page 2

The Old Post Office should be sold and put back on the tax rolls which would generate income for the Town.   

Mr. Brian Jennings stated that it is his understanding that the Town has moved from using the fuel cell in the high school to a generator running on diesel fuel.  For the purpose of an EOC, the Town should stay away from the use of anything that requires a fuel source.  

Mr. Matthew Galligan, 80 Bancroft Lane explained that the Fire Department can not be used for the EOC.  Only fire related activities are allowed in that building.  The building where the EOC is proposed will be able to hook up to fiber optics and have communications with other communities and with all of the Town buildings.  The use of this building has been reviewed by a number of professional staff members.  The Town is also in the process of changing over to natural gas because during an emergency diesel trucks may not be able to get through Town.

Ms. Jane Kingsley, 121 Steep Road came forward and spoke in support of the EOC.  Ms. Kingsley stated that she is part of the graduating team of CERT which made up of many individuals with diverse abilities to help others in need.

Mr. Michael Balesano, 606 Rye Street came forward and urged the Council to vote in favor of the EOC.  The Town should be proactive.

Ms. Karen Isherwood, 58 Ordway Drive stated she would like to see the plans for this proposal.  Ms. Isherwood informed the Council that zoning approvals should be sought if necessary as well as traffic patterns.

Mr. Richard Grigorian, 369 Main Street came forward to speak in favor of this project and stated he felt that there is no reason why this project should not be done.

Mayor Anwar then asked for a Straw Vote from the public.

Those who are in favor of the appropriation of $281,650.00 of LoCIP Funding for improvements to the Town Hall Annex for an EOC/Business Center in the Town of South Windsor:  23

Those who are opposed of the appropriation of $281,650.00 of LoCIP Funding for improvements to the Town Hall Annex for an EOC/Business Center in the Town of South Windsor:  4

The public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Public Hearing Notice – Exhibit A